
Old Portsmouth college Accommodation

OPC has a dedicated team who are invested in you finding a safe and comfortable place to stay. We have a range of different accommodations. You can choose to either book through us or a private company or hotel if you would prefer. We are here to help and advise you.

OPC Accommodation Options:

Homestay families

Staying with a homestay family is the ideal way to improve your English and learn more about British life and culture. All our accommodation is organised by the school and many of our families have been hosting our students for several years. There are very few language schools in a city of 200,000, so we have the choice of some of the very best families. All our homestays offer:

OPC is completely flat and there are many cycle paths, so getting to school is easy. Many of our students buy second-hand bicycles while they are with us. You can utilise websites like or Facebook Marketplace to find your perfect bike!

Executive Homestay Families (available for 30+ or Professional English students only)

If you are joining one of our Professional English or 30+ courses, you are invited to stay with one of our executive homestay families. This will give you intensive exposure to native speakers and an opportunity to network and build long-term friendships, and will also allow you a unique insight into British life and culture. Executive homestays offer high levels of comfort and convenience (all have Wi-Fi and are within walking distance of LSI/IH Portsmouth). The majority of our homestays are current or retired professionals, academics, or senior business managers, often with considerable international experience. We consider the relationships which develop between our executive clients and our executive homestays to be one of our great advantages.

All our executive homestays offer:

Self-Catering Residence

Do you want more independence while staying in the UK? We have partnered with a fantastic private residence, Crown Place, to offer self-catering accommodation to our students. This residence is also home to University Students as well as LSI/IH Portsmouth students, so there is plenty of opportunity to meet lots of new friends. Crown Place is within 10 minutes’ walk from the school, close to the train station and in the main city centre – so a perfect jumping off point for your study abroad holiday! The residence offers:

Do you want to find your own accommodation?

OPC is a lively university city with thousands of students with lots of shared student houses and flats available at relatively inexpensive prices, so our students generally find it quite easy to find their own accommodation. If this is what you choose to do, please be careful and be aware of any hidden costs you might come across. Here are some tips and advice that may be helpful to prepare you for the experience, plus some useful websites too. You can also source your own private flat or house during your stay, but most contracts will be for one year – so please make sure you consider this before renting!

Accommodation Prices 2024:

Summer Period: 3rd June – 23rd August 2024:


Check-in: Sunday

Check-out: Saturday

Non-Summer Summer
Standard Homestay (per week)
Standard Homestay extra night
Exec Homestay (per week)

Student Residence

For Self-Catering Accommodation, a £100 booking fee applies on all bookings.

Check-in: Sunday

Check-out: Saturday